Tuesday, January 23

The sheilas are here!

We've arrived in OZ...and yet to throw a shrimp on the barbie. But it has only been 6 hours or so.

Already i'm lovin' the place. Even if we have only seen our street, the inside of a Thai restaurant and this internet place. But i have my new Aussie mobile number, am getting the bikini back out of the backpack for a day at the beach tomorrow and am gearing up for the big celebrations on Australia Day.

Apparently we've missed the worst of it - 35-39 degree heat, but its still boiling! And its 10pm. If only we could get those fans to work in our hostel dorm.

Factor 30 and bug spray at the ready...lets just hope i don't get them mixed up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

G'Day Mate!

Wish it was bikini weather here! There was even a flurry of snow the other day.... but I'm feet up in the house, feel like I'm hibernating. Slowly going crazy.

Think I may try to hobble down to Tynemouth at the weekend on my crutches, but will stay well clear of the bars, can't get wobbly on my sticks!

Keep the emails coming, cheers! Brooke and the girls love the hen do ideas.

Speak soon, looking forward to seeing your photos of Sydney and hearing Gemma's goss!
