Where do i start?! Hmmm....
Newcastle - Well we had to visit, didn't we?! With buses going to Wallsend and Jesmond, our feet took us no further than the beach...for hours of sunbathing on the glorious sands, which with a little imagination looked a lot like Tynemouth! We spent our two days firmly parked on the sand and our nights at the local pub - though this was nothing like the Toon's nightlife! More like Northumberlands! And on our last night we got to witness the biggest (and loudest) thunderstorm to-date, thank goodness for waterproofs and ponchos! Then it was back to Sydney...
Back to the hustle and bustle we quickly settled in for what was to be a busy few days of catching up, welcoming folk from home and drinking with the old crew from Fiji. Kim's sister Clare has joined us - with backpack! - for our last few weeks in Oz and has quickly adapted to travellers life and squeaky bunkbeds. Gail (our friend from Glasgow & DH) also arrived for a few days and it wasn't long before she, her friend Lynn and Sharon headed up the Sydney Harbour Bridge in their special suits. And for the weekend it was time for a BBQ in Coogee (and BBQ games involving sausages and seaguls) before a night out with Sean, Niall and Rachel who we met in Fiji.
Completely exhausted...its hard work this travelling, i tell you! - Sharon and i headed to Ayers Rock, the girls (Kim, Clare & Laura) to Manly and Gail up North for a wedding.
Newcastle - Well we had to visit, didn't we?! With buses going to Wallsend and Jesmond, our feet took us no further than the beach...for hours of sunbathing on the glorious sands, which with a little imagination looked a lot like Tynemouth! We spent our two days firmly parked on the sand and our nights at the local pub - though this was nothing like the Toon's nightlife! More like Northumberlands! And on our last night we got to witness the biggest (and loudest) thunderstorm to-date, thank goodness for waterproofs and ponchos! Then it was back to Sydney...
Back to the hustle and bustle we quickly settled in for what was to be a busy few days of catching up, welcoming folk from home and drinking with the old crew from Fiji. Kim's sister Clare has joined us - with backpack! - for our last few weeks in Oz and has quickly adapted to travellers life and squeaky bunkbeds. Gail (our friend from Glasgow & DH) also arrived for a few days and it wasn't long before she, her friend Lynn and Sharon headed up the Sydney Harbour Bridge in their special suits. And for the weekend it was time for a BBQ in Coogee (and BBQ games involving sausages and seaguls) before a night out with Sean, Niall and Rachel who we met in Fiji.
Completely exhausted...its hard work this travelling, i tell you! - Sharon and i headed to Ayers Rock, the girls (Kim, Clare & Laura) to Manly and Gail up North for a wedding.
''WOW'' does not do Ayers Rock justice as it surpassed my expectations ten-fold. But there isn't any other word i can think of. Not wanting to stand with mouth open at its size and colour (the outback is filled with flies determined to get in between your teeth, up your nostrels or anyway they can) i just got out my camera (and camcorder) and never stopped - hence all the photos on Flickr...and that's just halve of them! The place is fantastic up close...and from the sunset viewpoint (even if sunset was a little disappointing). It was sooo good infact that Sharon & I dragged ourselves out of bed at 6.30am to walk to the hotel's own viewpoint for sunrise the next day.
Rather than waffle on i'll leave you to look at the pics...before i'm back to tell you all about our last week or so in Australia!
Rather than waffle on i'll leave you to look at the pics...before i'm back to tell you all about our last week or so in Australia!
Ha Ha, I'm off for drinks in Tynemounth for OUR birthday soon, there'll definitely be seagulls, but probably no snags & sunshine! Where will you be celebrating on the day?
Ayers Rock looks amazing!
P.S Managed to get my foot into my boot the other day.... YAY! Simple things ;o)
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