Well we found the beaches we've been looking for. And they've been beautiful! Koh Lanta was fantastic and, because it was low season, very very quiet. Having to wander no further than the beach for food, drinks and chocolate it was heaven. And the evening entertainment - that came in the form of gorgeous puppies, kittens, thunderstorms and lightening...oh and thai karaoke, as well as many many games of cards. Check out our poker faces!
After 4 nights of peace and quiet we took our next boat to what we expected to be the busiest of the islands so far - Koh Phi Phi. With Thai boxing, the least Irish bar you've ever seen and buckets of sangsom on the beach we love it! An the beaches aren't halve bad either - ha!ha! Its gorgeous - with the most stunning of views. And there's plenty more to see - so we're heading off in a long tail to check them out over the next few days.
Only Phuket left to see after here and onto Singapore. Only 4 weeks to go till we're home. Time is flying!
1 comment:
Hey hun
Can't believe you've ony got a few weeks left... this year is flying past.
Just logged into a wedding site that I'm registered on and supposedly I have 141 days till my wedding... arrgghh!
Can't wait to catch up with you when you get home. I'm in Barcelona from 31st May to 3rd June. Let me know when I should round the troops up for a welcome home lash! (Pam is interested of course!)
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